Work-Life Issues
In today’s “All haste” world, and a mad rush of achieving boundless and cosmic yield in a limited time frame is causing a lot of mental pressure and stress amongst employees, especially in the corporate world. In the rush of achieving numbers, people have left behind things that used to ignite their joys and even their families. Stress is a silent killer. Poor work-life can cause recurrent headaches, week immunity, anger issues, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart diseases, emotional distress, etc.
Some people understand the need to improve the work-life balance however it is not a SIMPLE TASK. Many of the times it requires an expert who can help to conduct audits, improve time management, incorporate your perspective on goals and boundaries, regulate yourself, and feel that you are in control of your life and able to ‘steer your own ship’. Counsellor helps you to determine the smaller and simpler changes that can improve your work-life balance.
Try our Online Counseling Session to reinvent yourself.