Humans are complex creatures and our love lives are even more complex. As days go by and our lives get busier, we start struggling in our relationship with our loved ones. When communication, trust, emotions, and connection collapse, it takes everything to hold on to the relationship and make meaningful changes from both sides to turn things around. Relationships go south sometimes because of betrayal, misunderstanding, lack of time, compromises, efforts, etc.
Like so many things, working on any relationship can be difficult even if it's a parent-child relationship, friendship, or romantic relationship. Sometimes, the grievances and frustrations we have with our partner or our circumstances run deep. It can be hard to forgive or move on when there are emotions like shame or guilt at play.
If you want to reset your relationship or life, you have to be ready for a fresh start, but that starts with a deepened understanding of your love and it starts with understanding and accepting yourself. Broken things can be fixed, but the fixing is often harder than the breaking.
Sometimes we need to relive the journey of that relationship (both highs and lows) and sometimes we just need to go on a new journey. But first, even If you want to reset your relationship or life, you have to be ready for a fresh start, and that starts with a deepened understanding of your partner, feelings, and most importantly understanding and accepting yourself. You need to believe that this journey you are about to take may or may not be everything you desire, but it will be everything you need. The entire process will teach you so much about your surroundings and yourself and who you are truly inside. You will grow in ways you never thought possible and strengthen muscles you never knew you had.
“The journey you’re about to take is going to bring you everything you need. Be kind. Stay strong. Have Faith. Be who you are.”
You will find peace within yourself and uncover the wonders in the world all around you. You will start to realize who & what you need and who & what is simply not meant for your story. The only thing you need to do is to take the first step and the rest will follow.
Even if you’re scared, even if you don’t know what will happen next, even if you don’t think you can, take the first step & do it just for yourself.
