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Soul Building

Priyanka Dogra

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

The soul is the core of our being. We can never experience happiness by conquering our spirit and soul. It requires proper care and exercise for building up the soul. 

Do you know we humans have muscles named spiritual muscles? A Mind always needs to feed the soul without which life cannot exist. Most of us know how to maintain ourselves physically but you will be surprised to know there are only 1 out of 1000s people who work on building their soul. “Soul building is a canvas and not everyone knows how to paint on it”. 

In this era of Kalyug, the Soul Building is an important aspect. One should learn and know what soul building is. Are you the one who knows this art? Being human, we want everything but it’s totally up to us that how can we control our conscious and subconscious mind. 

Physical strength will get you to the start line. But mental strength will get you to the finish line.”

Just like the way we build our physical body similarly we need to build our soul. Strength, Stamina, and Endurance are the key to build physical fitness and the same as building mental fitness.

1. Strength

Mental strength means the ability of our mind to control and manage our thoughts under any difficult or stressful circumstances and create a positive mindset even when the going gets tough and success seems far beyond our reach. It increases our capacity to deal with crises, failures, complications, or setbacks. If we are weak from inside, we will be stuck on every hurdle in your life. But those with strong will-power will pass every hurdle.

It requires your constant focus, courage, and determination. Mental strength is not something you can achieve in a single day rather you need to work every day and devote time and energy for self-improvement.  


  • Accept Failures and Learn from it

  • Be open to change and flexible

  • Focus on Strength and Weakness

  • Change your positive routine: Take Healthy Diet, Meditate, Exercise, etc.

2. Stamina

We all talk about our physical stamina but no one talks about the inner one. Are you curious to know what inner stamina is? As physical stamina works upon building our physical muscles in the same way the inner one works upon building our spiritual muscles.

Mental Stamina is the ability of our mind to withstand hardship or stress and reviving a high level of energy to get through whatever life throws at us. It is about how our mind can keep continuing to stay focus during a difficult situation for a longer period of time by not giving up easily to frustration, anger, and stress. Mental stamina is about pushing our mind beyond the limit and willing to accept any challenges or obstacles towards your path. 


  • Contentment and Emotional Stability

  • Challenge your Mind

  • Stop Dwelling on worries and negativity

  • Keep trying and never give up

3. Endurance

Life is like a roller coaster ride and everyone should know the power to accept every flaw gracefully. Some days of life will treat you like a cheese burst pizza and on another day of life will treat you like boring cereal.

Mental Endurance is the ability of our mind to face unpleasant environments or difficult situations without losing interest, patience, or level of tolerance. By developing mental endurance, we develop a wall of positive energy that keeps the fear, worries, or any negative energy far away from our mind. 


  • Manage your Anger and Build Tolerance level

  • Stop Being envious and start feeling content 

  • Time Management and Prioritization 

  • Building Patience and Concentration

It takes a strong soul to develop smile and positivity out of situations that make us weep”

Strong souls shine after every storm

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