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Updated: Feb 15, 2021

The journey from womb to tomb is not a cakewalk. There are times of development and stress, inside out, but when the sad moments don't seem to have a full stop, we may be experiencing LIFE CRISIS.

Life crisis may seem like an unbeatable hurdle, but it can be controlled with the right practices and a healthy mindset!

The mid-life transition can be a complicated process because it is the point of our lives where we start to realize the end of our youth and get into the process of aging and also may begin evaluating our own life. This transition is common and natural however often with the combination of aging, sorrow, remorse and day-to-day stressors of life could lead to a mid-life crisis. A mid-life crisis can be triggered by different experiences, for instance, children leaving home, mortality, health, regrets, death of a parent or someone close, work-life balance, etc.

With age, the way we react, behave, our feelings, knowledge, and the way we see the world may become different, our perspective could change. Often, a mid-life crisis may occur because of the realization that one's life is half spent. Now it's up to us how do we think about it either in a negative way or positive. It is an emotional state of doubt, denial, and sometimes anxiety. People go through many different experiences in their lives that happen at different time periods. Sometimes people go through some worst experiences than others that make them feel unwanted, or inferior to others or self-distrust. Sometimes during middle-age years, people also lose self-confidence or become hesitant or insecure. On the other hand, some people may not experience any issues during their entire middle-age years.

Mid-life crisis is a real thing, Middle age is often seen as life's pivot point. A hill has been climbed and the view over the other side is sometimes unsettling. A mid-life crisis can have many reasons, it could differ from person to person, situation to situation. Not everyone could relate to it, or understand but sometimes an unashamed, judgment-free, open-minded conversation or a view from a different perspective could help to fight through......

Life throws chaos at us on a regular basis—whether it’s our finances, our relationships, or our health. In response, we just keep on pushing through, surviving!!


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